Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Day 29: A little snowy scene

 Maybe I should have brought this snowy little scene home with me from the office and used that in place of my Christmas tree. 

Because my big tree is still not decorated. 

I’ve barely been home since we put it up. It will get done eventually, I guess! 

My aunt once had a tree in her basement decorated with lots of clear lights and a single red cardinal perched on a branch. I thought it was simple and chic…I wonder if I could get away with that? 


At dinner tonight, my husband informed me that today is the day Thanksgiving leftovers should get thrown out. I think we have pretty much cleaned up the leftovers from Thanksgiving day, but we are still working on round two’s leftovers. 

So tonight I made turkey salad with some of the leftover turkey. I added diced celery, onion, dried cranberries and a dab ‘a mayo. 

Yum, yum! It’ll be good tomorrow… just before the expiration date, lol. 

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