Sunday, November 25, 2018

Day 25 of NaBloPoMo 2018: Another round of Thanksgiving

This whole blogging thing for the month of November is zipping right by.  There's less than a week of it left!  

Today we gathered at my husband's parents' house for another giant meal with a half dozen desserts.  
*Sigh* I was glad to get into my pjs tonight!  They have an elastic waist.  ðŸ˜€

But it was fun seeing more reactions to the newest baby in the family. Seems like a short time ago that I was carrying our little babies to these family functions. 

The weather was nice, so we took a walk to the creek, which the kids always enjoy.  I mean, if you want to make a kid happy, take them to a creek and let them throw rocks into it.  That's all it takes to keep them entertained!

Back at home, I finished decorating the third Christmas tree, so now it's time to shift gears into shopping mode.  Exactly one month from today is Christmas!  Holy guacamole.

I like the look of this weathered old tree root.  I think it would look good in someone's yard with plants tucked into some of those cavities.

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