It's been a good day for the proverbial ducks...not such a good day for Small Business Saturday or hanging the Christmas lights outdoors, I'm afraid.
I sure didn't want to get out.
However, it has been a great day for staying warm and dry inside our cozy home--cooking, eating, catching up on laundry, shopping online and otherwise piddlin'.
I've got a turkey in the oven for round two of Thanksgiving tomorrow, and I just mixed up a batch of everyone's favorite peanut butter fudge.
It's so easy, I'd call it the easiest. In fact, I did call it that for our Arvin family cookbook. This recipe is virtually foolproof.
I would flip this recipe around for easiest reading, but I don't know how.
Photoshop, where are you? Not on this computer. But I digress.

I was about to give up on that ever happening, when lo and behold, the waters parted around 4 p.m., just long enough for the hubs and I to load down the trailer.
Before we got the stuff carried into the house, the rain started pouring again!
We had drought conditions back in October. Remember that?
Anyway, we kicked it in high gear and got everything in before much damage was done.
Foreseeing a marathon decorating session ahead in my very near future, I decided I'd sit down and scribble out a little blog post right quick.
Thirty days, and I did it! Posted daily for 30 days in a row.
Just a little somethin,' somethin' about mostly a little a nothin', nothin', but I did it.
I actually enjoy writing this nonsense, so maybe you'll hear from me before November of 2020.
Lord willing,' and the creek don't rise.
But it's a risin'!!
After we unloaded, he drove the Mule down in the lower pasture to get the solar battery before the creek gets it, and he ran out of gas.
Love its heart, it had to walk all the way back up here in the rain to get gas, then carry it back. 😏💧💧😬😅