Saturday, November 12, 2011

Preparing for a long winter's nap

What a beautiful day it’s been here in central Kentucky, considering it’s mid-November, and the weather could be really miserable by now.

Instead, the sun has been shiny and it’s been warm enough to be comfortable in long sleeves.

After breakfast and morning chores, we spent most of the rest of the day outside. 

I’m thankful for the opportunity to do that. 

Our little grandson has enjoyed a couple of uneventful days in the hospital, and we felt at ease about not visiting today.

He’s come a long way in the past few week s.  The doctors say he’s not out of danger, but it is obvious that the little guy has made a lot of progress, judging by the far fewer tubes inserted into his little body, and the far fewer meds he’s getting through his IV. 

It was very relaxing to just spend the day at home, though, raking some leaves and pulling up tomato cages to store for the winter.

There is still much yard work to be done, but I enjoy the whole process of clearing the flower beds and garden after a growing season.

I like pulling up frost-bitten plants and piling them up to burn.  I like burning cornstalks and withered brown morning glory vines off the garden. (No, I’m not a pyromaniac!)

 I like when the whole weedy mess is plowed under.  That way, we’ll be ready to start with a clean slate come springtime.    

There’s a feeling of closure that comes with the completion of a year’s growth cycle. 

That’s when I know it’s OK to go into hibernation for a few months. 

Every season comes with a different set of joys—and I’m almost ready for that long winter’s nap. 

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