Friday, November 25, 2011

Are you ready for this?--Take a chill pill!

I apologize for the repeated references to "drugs"--maybe that comes from spending so much time at the hospital lately.

When visiting our grandson today, we took a break from the hospital on this Black Friday to check out the deals at Target.

Maybe those midnight sales aren't such a bad idea after all, because the daytime traffic was pretty light.

But we are home now, and I don't have much time to get a post up, so I'm sharing some restful winter scenes with you--from last winter!

There is something so peaceful about a winter scene.  And a dusting of snow makes every ordinary thing look magical.  


"So great a cloud of witnesses"

Our nine-year old granddaughter was baptized on Sunday, fully-immersed in water that had been warmed in an inflatable hot-tub.   I grew up B...