Saturday, November 10, 2012

Laid to rest for a season

                                        This was our garden this morning. 

We produced a lot of food from this little patch of earth during summer and fall, but it seems like a long time already since those hottest days of bean picking. 

                                                  This is our garden tonight. 
We worked most of the afternoon picking the last of the green tomatoes and peppers, clearing dried stalks and vines, moving stakes and cages. 

Robin plowed up the last of the potatoes, and we now have another bushel or so stored to eat this winter. 

After everything was harvested and the debris was cleared, my hubby plowed the whole thing under so winter freezes and thaws can work their magic and prepare it for next year’s plantings.
Yep, the garden is ready for a long winter’s nap—and right at the moment, so am I.  I can hardly hold my eyes open.

So rest, little garden. Spring will be here soon!


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