Friday, November 30, 2012

Considering a new direction

Today wraps up another month of posting for National Blog Posting Month. I started strong, but I missed a few posts.  Still, I managed to blog more than two-thirds of the days of November. 

I enjoy blogging, but I’m considering making some changes. I think my range of topics is too broad. I’ve always heard if you aim at nothing (in particular), you’re sure to hit it.

Most advice I’ve read for bloggers says “find a niche,” so I’ve been thinking of narrowing my focus for this blog to food. 


I love it! And it’s kind of safe. 

You may (or may not) have noticed that the subtitle of my blog is “Thoughts on family, food, faith and farm.” 

Most of my posts are scratching the surface of my true inner life, but if it’s truly personal, I’m not really comfortable sharing. I’ve always been a very private person, and few people really know who I am. 

The rest of you better be thankful for that.

But I am deeply interested in food—and it’s connections with family, farm and even faith.  Eating is so much more than meeting a physical need.  Preparing food is therapeutic, if you like to cook.  Serving food goes way beyond the desire to fill a belly, at least for me.  It’s a way to heal a hurt, to comfort, to strengthen and just to share the bounty of God’s good earth. 

I’m also interested in how food connects us with culture. 

These are just some of the ideas I’ve been bandying about.  Heck, maybe I’ll change my title!  How does this sound “The Progressive Farm Cook” or better yet, “The Progressive Farm Kook: Lisa’s Vittles from Pigpen to Platter.”

Why progressive, you might (or might not) ask?  Because, after frying my potatoes tonight in that organic lard I spoke of a couple a days ago, I discovered I really do like them better sautéed in olive oil.

And I seriously think I could become a vegetarian sometimes! 

Anyway, I’d like to know what some of you think.  What would you like to read?  Anything in particular?  Nothing?!  Oh, come on, now! 

Seriously, I’d welcome your suggestions, if you care to make them! 


  1. I saw your post about changing. I am trying to decide on my own blog if I should focus in or what . I like the prompts given by some of the challenges I participate in, but they are often very off topic for me.
    Let me start by saying that I am not in your target audience for a food blog, I am not a reader of food blogs.
    However, you had me at
    Thoughts on family, food, faith and farm, well that plus the beautiful backdrop.
    I have found a number of blogs during the noblopomo, and a number that I looked at and the title/subject had me clicking back to choose a new link.
    I am not sure I would have stayed and commented on the other titles, because it was the combination of them that made me stay and read it today.
    And I love olive oil. I use it for most oil/shortening related cooking. Anyway, I am not sure if this helps, but either way I will be back to read more.

    1. Thanks, Rennata! It does help--gives me more food for thought. :)

      Isn't if fun to browse all the blogs and see the variety?

      Like you, I don't find the Nablopomo prompts that helpful, but I'm the kind of person who kind of has to be "feeling it" to write about it.

      I'm going to check out your blog when I get a chance.

      Thanks again for your input! :)


As the snow flies

  I'm sure most of you are well aware, particularly those of you who live in my neck of the woods, but this is Day 5 of Snowmeggedon 202...