Sunday, November 3, 2019

What I like about Sundays...

Just look at the reflection of the mountain on the creek.  It's been such a beautiful fall day!  

Yeah, that title is a line from a country song too.  

I really like the song, because it's about a very familiar-sounding way of life.   

Singing hymns just a little off key, Sunday dinner at the parents' house, followed by a Sunday stroll along Station Camp Creek with the girls, the grand babies and my sister. 

How many seasons of life have we Sunday-strolled through by the same creek?  
Pam and I have taken countless walks along this narrow road, joined over the years by our kids as they came along.  Now we are accompanied by grandkids--and, usually, about a half-dozen family dogs.
I wouldn't have it any other way.  It's comforting to go home and just visit and sit around and eat and take a stroll on occasion.   I'm thankful we still have our parents to "go home" to. 

As life apparently gets busier and more complicated with every year that goes by, it's hard to make time to just visit.  

When I do though, life feels more grounded, more at ease, and I am better equipped to face the week.  

So, how's your Sunday going?  How do you charge your batteries for a busy week? 

Raising another generation of Sunday strollers, we hope.  

1 comment:

As the snow flies

  I'm sure most of you are well aware, particularly those of you who live in my neck of the woods, but this is Day 5 of Snowmeggedon 202...