Friday, November 29, 2019

Day 29: Just under the wire

I've been transitioning hard between holidays today...not as hard as those hardy souls who got up in the wee hours and headed out to shop Black Friday sales, but still.

I tidied up the house a little, made turkey corn chowder from, you guessed it, leftovers, took down all my fall decorations, and did not get my tree up.

That was on my to-do list, but it did not get to-done.

There was more to the un-decorating for fall than I anticipated, such as a lot of leaves that needed to be raked away from the house.

After the hubs got home from work, we had some of that chowder, then took off on a Rural King run to stock up on dog food, bird seed, chicken feed, sweet feed.  Gotta keep the critters happy, ya know.

We bought a few Christmas gifts, too.

It took me a while to get in the zone.  Don't you just hate walking into a big store like Rural King or Walmart, and every single thought you had about what you'd buy flees from your head and leaves you feeling a bit, uhh, vacant?

Yep, that's me.  Even with a shopping list.

Christmas shopping makes my gut tighten.  It makes me long to be snowed in so I'd have a good excuse not to do it.

But tonight I managed to focus long enough to knock a few things off my list; therefore, I'm feeling a bit accomplished.

Now, if the rain will hold off long enough tomorrow to get my tree out of the storage building, I'll be making real progress--assuming I get it up.  

Maybe that will keep the "bah-humbugs" at bay.

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