Monday, November 25, 2019

Thank heaven for small comforts

How do you unwind after a busy day?

This afternoon, after a tense day of mental rushing to beat an early deadline,  I walked away from my desk feeling drained and dull-witted.
It didn't help that I didn't sleep well last night, on a night when I know I really needed to sleep well.

That happens way too often! 

When I'm  tired like that, I know I need to re-establish balance in my life. It's key to good mental, physical, and spiritual health.

There was a time in my life when I thought that being tired meant I needed more rest. Now I'm thinking it means I need a change of pace, to change my focus.

One of the best antidotes to that dull draggy feeling is to move--in fresh air, if at all possible.

A little exercise, a little time outdoor time--it's invigorating, restorative, and yes, restful.

Other small comforts that help me rebound when I'm tired...just a few minutes of looking into the faces of my sweet grand babies. Chatting with my girls.

Some good food.  Even if it's only a hodgepodge of leftovers. A cup of hot tea.

Home.  Just being home. With my ol' man.

Settling in with a good book after the chores are done, or watching something that doesn't require a lot of concentration.

My brand of Southern Comfort may not sound very exciting, but these are the things I love.  They restore my soul.

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