Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The cool of the evening

There's something peaceful about the sight of a herd of cattle resting just before dark.

Tuesdays are busy, busy days at the paper.  
I typically arrive at the office an hour early to finish revisions and edits. Sometimes I type up the previous night's government meeting.
Then it's time to crank out the pages, keeping an eye on the clock.
This week, we had a B section, and the deadline for it was 11 a.m. 

These days really put some tension in my neck and shoulders. I've had a nagging headache all afternoon. 

After work, I thought it might do my noggin some good to get some fresh air.

I walked, and the hubs drove the pickup down in the pasture. We took turns picking up walnuts with the handy dandy gadget we found at the farm auction.  The roller is so much faster than picking up walnuts by hand! 

In an hour's time we gathered a sizable pile of walnuts. (Now, who wants to crack them?)

We got hungry, and it was getting dark anyway, so we headed to the house.

On the way out of the pasture,  we passed our little herd, resting peacefully near their hay. They chewed their cuds quietly while the half moon smiled down on us. 

Back at the house, we ate some leftovers, and we are now awaiting election results. 

In a short while, it'll become clear who will be celebrating and who will be feeling deflated.

Whatever the results, life goes on! 

1 comment:

  1. When I worked for my local paper we put it to bed on Mondays -- well, usually around 3 or 4 am on Tuesday mornings. I wouldn't be able to pull those all-nighters anymore.


As the snow flies

  I'm sure most of you are well aware, particularly those of you who live in my neck of the woods, but this is Day 5 of Snowmeggedon 202...