Friday, November 15, 2019

Rambling on...

Sometimes it's hard to get our head around this simple idea.

What we do with this hour, and that one, well, that's what we are doing.

In other words, it's easy to waste a lot of time.

Such as in scrolling Facebook. You may come across this post while scrolling, and you may think you've wasted your time reading it.

Time is such an interesting concept to me. How momentous occasions can occur in seconds, while long stretches of sameness can drag on for...months?  Years?

A few brief seconds is all it takes to alter the life of a whole lot of people, as we saw with yesterday's school shooting.

A child can be conceived, a marriage proposed, a mortgage signed--in just minutes.

It's the filler stuff that we spend hours on, some of it necessary, some of it not. 

Everyone needs a little downtime, of course, but too much filler makes for dull minds and aimless lives.

Life's too short for that.

Because how we spend our days is how we spend our lives.

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