Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Twas the night before Thanksgiving...

...and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.  
Not yet, anyway.  I've been trying to figure out my new iPhone, a total impulse buy today, but hey, when I can buy it for 49.99 and keep the same plan I have, why not?  Thank you very much, Appalachian Wireless. 
I really like the cameras that my daughters have on their iPhones, so that was my motivation for buying a new one.  

And I haven't bought the first Christmas gift yet!  Tsk, tsk. 

Earlier in the day, I spent some time in Richmond with these monkeys, where we had a bite of lunch and made a last minute trip to Aldi's. Aldi. 

Why in the world do we hillbillies feel the need to stick an s on the end of all our store names? Another of life's great mysteries. 

Anyway,  I'm about to start slicing and dicing and prepping for our feast tomorrow, so Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night! 

Ivy gets some coloring lessons from the parents. 

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