Sunday, November 17, 2019

Missions accomplished

Don't you love it when you have intentions of doing one little thing, but that one little thing turns into a bunch of chores accomplished?  

I do!  

The Gas Man, aka "Pops" and I headed to Chelsea's today to help put up a short piece of fence, with the hope that it will keep a certain Houdini dog from escaping her back yard and wandering off in the neighborhood. 
Not only did we get that fence up, but we pruned some shrubs, vines, bushes, etc., raked the yard and bagged up the leaves, put away fall decorations, pulled out Christmas lights and decorations, transplanted a redbud tree and some ornamental grass, put up all the lights and decorations and dug up a root that was causing some issues in the driveway. 

When I say "we," I mean the multi-talented crew above. Har, har. 

And isn't it so much more fun to work when you have a big crew?  That's one thing I miss about the old days, particularly 'round the farm. 

Have a big job to do? Get a big crew together and make short work of it!  

If feels good to have helped "the young'uns" out today.  As I said the other day, it's difficult to do much of anything when you have a toddler who is still a little unsteady on her feet.  You have to keep your eye--or hand--on her all the time. 

The biggest reward of our missions accomplished?  

Seeing Miss Ivy enjoying this funny-looking snowman.  That was her dad's idea. Good call, Dad! 

P.S.  I forgot the gutters!  Chris's dad even cleaned the gutters while he had the ladder out.  

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