Thursday, November 8, 2018

Day 8 of NaBloPoMo: What superpower would I wish for?

That's the prompt for day 8.

Maybe I'd like to be able to fly like a drone...just rise above the earth and hover overhead, observing and taking pictures.  Crossing creeks, rivers and mountains would then be a breeze.

Or, maybe I'd like to be able to read people like a book.  See through them so I can tell if they are really telling me the truth.

In the newspaper business you hear a lot of stories, many of them presented as fact.

It's often a challenge to separate fact from fiction, and sometimes I'm left scratching my head over who to believe. You hear one side of the story, then another, then another....pretty soon it is hard to believe anyone.  That's where a truthometer would come in handy. Or the power to slap a pinocchio-style nose on people to measure just how truthful they are.

Here's an idea: What if I had the power to flip a switch and turn on brilliant powers of concentration and think with ultra-clarity and originality.

Now that's a superpower I could go for, especially on days when my well runneth dry.

Like today, obviously.  :)

I'd churn out Pulitzer prize winners at will if I could pull a switch and turn on the light bulb in my head! ;) 

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