Monday, November 26, 2018

Day 26 of NaBloPoMo2018: Cyber Monday, anyone?

My Cyber Monday has consisted of sifting through dozens and dozens of emails, sorting and filing information, and otherwise getting ready for a busy Tuesday which is production day at the newspaper. Even that is mostly done electronically these days.

Therefore, I've not had time to go online and search "the bargains."

Apparently a lot of people are, though.  And if I didn't have a meeting to attend in a few minutes, I probably would be also.

Maybe I'll miss the best deals, but I plan to look later.  I'm buying a few more presents online each year, and I love the convenience of it.

Few things frustrate me more than wandering around in a store, with little-to-no idea of what I'm after or what people would like.

Even with the increase in cyber-shopping, I'm hearing news reports that Amazon is hiring fewer seasonal workers for the holidays for the first time ever.

But they are putting many more robots to work, and the increased automation at their warehouses is making quite a difference in their productivity.  In October, Amazon said they'd be raising their minimum wage to $15 an hour, likely because of the increase of productivity from the 'bots.

It's crazy, and likely a sign of things to come for other companies and manufacturers.

Wouldn't it be great if someone invented a robot to do all our Christmas shopping?  Maybe feed the little boogers a lot of information about those for whom we are shopping, such as their ages, interests, etc., then turn 'em loose.

And if they also handled the wrapping, that would suit me just fine too.

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