Saturday, November 24, 2018

Day 24 of NaBloPoMo 2018: More favorite things

I only have one tree up and decorated, but the weather was so nice for late November that we spent most of it outside.

"I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.  So I have spent almost all the daylight hours in the open air," wrote Nathaniel Hawthorne.

I'm right there with you, Nate.

 This morning started out feeling a bit raw as the leftover dampness from last night's rain and the chilly breeze seeped through our clothing. But after the sun came out, the day was just right for setting out the rest of the Christmas decorations and hanging the lights.

That job isn't much fun when it's really cold!

Not only did we get all the outdoor decorations up
 (unless I see something else that catches my eye to buy), but we cleaned off some flower beds, and dug up the dahlia bulbs.

I so enjoyed those dahlias this summer and fall, and by golly, if they didn't reproduce big time!  Hurray!  I foresee a bigger bed of dahlias in the future.

I also planted a row of irises that a gal from church gave me.  I just wish I had a few clearance daffodil bulbs to plant.  I love planting bulbs in the fall.  Actually, it's the anticipation of seeing how they will turn out in the spring that I love most.
We finished off the daylight hours with a walk down in the pasture to check on the cattle, and the donkeys came to us seeking a scratch behind the ears.

Welp, I'd better get busy on another tree!

These donkeys are so lovable. I love how the cow is peeking around, and of course,  I love the feller in the photo too, and our evening walks together.  The old farm is so familiar, yet there's always something interesting to discover.  I can't think of anyone I'd rather explore it with. 

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