Saturday, November 17, 2018

Day 17 of NaBloPoMo 2018:

This is kind of random, but as we took an evening walk, we came across this:

I loved the look of the silver maple leaf lying on the ground beside the rich brown of a sycamore leaf.

Silver maples have the prettiest foil colored eaves in the spring, then when they fall, one side is a pretty papery white.  Flip it over, though, and the other side is just a dull gray green color.  Maybe that doesn't impress you, but I think it's cool!

We have a little grove of silver maples at the corner of the farm...I say, "We have," like it's something we are responsible for.

But, like so much in nature, the trees are simply there. For our enjoyment, if we pay attention.

It's possible they were planted there by one of my ancestors, because a house once stood near where the silver maples are.

There used to be a silver maple right behind our house.  They are known for having weak trunks, and ours had a split trunk with one half leaning far to the side. Our cats loved to climb on it.  I have a picture of one of my favorite cats in that tree.

Eventually, we determined that the tree was threatening the end of the house, so it was cut down and sawn up.

I've missed it, and the cat, and that was decades ago. The demise of the cat is another story, but I won't go there. 😔

I'm thinking we should dig up a silver maple sprout and try one in the yard again...add that to the wish list for the farm.

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