Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Day 7 of NaBloPoMo2018: The Perfect Day

Excuse me, but I'm using yesterday's writing prompt for today.  It was "describe the perfect day."

A perfect day to me- although I'm too much of a realist to actually believe there is such a thing as an absolutely perfect day, but maybe a near perfect day- is balanced.

It includes a just-right portion of rest and relaxation juxtaposed against something productive to do.

It also includes a perfect balance of time alone and time in good company.

I can't do social all the time.  I'm not anti-social, I just need time alone with my thoughts to recharge my batteries.

I also can't do alone all the time.  I think nobody needs to do alone all the time-it's unhealthy.  Our aches and pains grow more noticeable, our fears and hangups will swallow us if we isolate ourselves. We need face to face time with people!  And social media won't cut it.

Weather plays a big part in my perfect day.

It could be bright, sunny, and 70, or there might be a slow steady rain falling all day.

It could feature a winter wonderland or a blazing hot day on the beach or by the pool.

Or it could be a cloudy day with a soft breeze and leaves Indian summer type day.

I'm glad I live where there are four distinct seasons.

The thing is, I just want to be able to spend a least part of my day outside enjoying the weather, unless it's just horrendous.

Besides "me time" to read, relax, think, write, pray; time with family and/or friends, and time in the great outdoors, the perfect day involves something good to eat.

That usually correlates with the weather.

Cold watermelon on a hot day, hot chili on a cold day, homemade pumpkin snickerdoodles on a fall day- the process of preparing these items, then the process of eating and enjoying them...they all contribute to a near perfect day.

Spice such a day with a bit of encouragement extended or received and a little surprise of some sort. (They are everywhere, you just have to pay attention. Just look for the unexpected, the different angle).

My recipe for a perfect cup of hot tea.  Red chai sweetened with pure maple syrup and topped off with a splash of almond milk or cream.  

End your darned near perfect day with a hot cuppa or a cold glass of tea.  Drink it on the front porch and watch the sun slip out of sight.  Or curl up with your coziest blanket in your comfiest chair and read your favorite newspaper or magazine, maybe watch something interesting on television.

Near perfect days remind me of a perfect plate which might include a little meat, a little savory, a little sweet, a little sour, a bit of spice, some creamy and some crunch.  Maybe that's a whole lotta perfect plates!

Anyway, the key is balance.  And I'm always working on that, it seems.

Gotta run!  I hear my tea kettle whistling for me.  ;)

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