Monday, November 19, 2018

Day 19 of NaBloPoMo 2018: My tip for getting through the holidays

My writing prompt for today is to share a tip that helps me get through the holidays.

Geesh, that's kind of tough.

Let's see...I make lots of lists.

I'm a terrible list maker because my lists are incredibly messy and would drive a neat list-maker crazy.

But, messy as they are, almost illegible, they still help me stay on track.  Actually, what they help me to do is remember stuff.

Stuff like, who I'm to buy for....who I'm to send cards to...what I'm to prepare or buy for all the holiday meals we'll be eating.

Then, of course, there's the time I spend looking for my lists. Maybe I'd be better off without them. Just winging it.


My lists are seldom are in one notebook.

I've got a notebook for Christmas lists, a planner for work and life in general, another notebook for planning and brainstorming, then there's my journal.

It's too bad they can't be consolidated, but that would be way too much notebook.

One last tip: Don't forget to allow plenty of time for thawing the turkey! 😁

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