Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Day 28 of NaBloPoMo2018: It's the simple things

Just look at this bright-eyed little cutie.  Ivy's already a month old, and she's changing and growing so fast.  She's focusing those bright eyes now and seemed very intrigued with the Christmas tree and me wearing glasses.  Miss Oaklee showed her excellent mothering skills today too, rocking Miss Ivy in this little chair thing-a-ma-jig. She carefully placed a teddy bear beside her and tenderly covered her with a blanket.  So sweet!!These are just a few of the joys this day brought.  Oaklee and I entertained each other by making up big yarns, and she tapped them out on the keyboard (not plugged up), like a story-telling boss. Clay entertained himself with looking up sports scores on my phone, as well as some of his favorite YouTube videos.  But whether it is a recent basketball or football game, there's a good chance he can tell ya something about it.  Maybe I can make a sports reporter out of him. I so enjoyed my girls' company, too, and talking with them about everything from food to climate change to a book I'm reading.Yes, I've loved being home today, just messing and gomming and piddling' around.  Then, before dark, I took a nice long walk out under the blue sky with these wisps of bright clouds overhead, and I think to myself..."What a wonderful life."  Not perfect by any means, but wonderful.  And I thank the good Lord for it!       

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