Wednesday, November 1, 2017

National Blog Posting Month No More?

So, I didn't get the reminder email that National Blog Posting Month, NaBloPoMo, was about to begin on November 1 as I usually do.

I did an internet search-couldn't find anything.  Apparently it isn't a thing anymore. Not officially.

But I'm gonna carry on my own personal tradition, as I have the past six years.

I posted a blog almost daily in November of the year Clay was born.  It turned out to be a good reminder of our lives at that moment in time.

So, why not?

Day 1: Today was my day off.  It's been a busy one though, from picking peppers in a light rain, to breaking up a serious cat and dog fight, to washing, chopping, preserving and cooking several bucketsful of peppers, broccoli, and tomatoes.

I hate for good food to go to waste, and by golly, at least some of it didn't, because I ate a plateful of banana and jalapeƱo peppers stuffed with a sausage and cream cheese mixture.  We didn't even bake them like I usually do, just used the peppers like dippers.

I like the sweet crunch of crisp pepper with the salty savory sausage and cheese.

We (my girls and I) made a big pot of tomato sauce and simmered it all afternoon while chopping peppers for the freezer.  Made the house smell sooooo good.

Oaklee snacked on her Halloween candy all day long and kept talking about the scary stuff she saw in the haunted jail last night when we went trick or treating.

She and Chelsea took turns
pretending to be werewolves and chasing each other.  Oaklee loves to run screaming through the house and pretending she's scared.  :0

She's quite the little drama queen, but I love her imagination.

We ended our day together with a walk on a one lane road with a whole string of dogs trailing.  We had all the neighbor dogs stirred up, and there was quite a commotion as we passed.

We counted at least four tiny garter snakes on the blacktop, and I wondered how many we missed in that dusky hour before dark...

We sampled ripe persimmons that had fallen by the road.

There are so many interesting things to see and hear and taste and smell out in the countryside.

I wouldn't trade these simple joys for anything!

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