Saturday, November 11, 2017

Day 11: "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Genesis 8:22

I spent a busy afternoon cleaning up spent plants from my flower beds and the garden.

As I pulled up limp tomato vines and dragged them to the burn pile, I thought how soon it will again be spring.  The soil beneath the vines looked so loose and dark, I was almost tempted to find some seeds to plant.

But I have to be patient.

I used to think there was a long time separating seed time from planting time, but now that I'm getting older and the wheels of time need someone to give them a speeding ticket, I know it won't be long until springtime comes back around.

The seasons turn, turn, turn, of that we can rest assured.  That's one certainty in this crazy world, and one I find encouraging.

A couple of nights ago, in a rush to beat the first hard freeze, I picked a couple of bucketsful of green tomatoes from the hoop house-just in case it got cold enough to freeze the tomatoes.  It didn't, but I didn't want to take chances because fried green tomatoes are too good to waste.

Because it gets dark so early these days, I was forced inside at a decent hour, so I took the opportunity to fry up some of those green tomatoes.  Boy, were they tasty after a day of working in the fresh air!

Earlier in the day, I came across my appropriately-named beautyberry shrub.  Is she not a sight to behold?

All the grasses, even this little short stuff, are seedy and interesting-looking right now.  The berries below are almost black.

I leave a lot of the seedy stuff for the birds.  I mean, my husband keeps their feeders filled, but they can browse from nature's snack bar too.

Who wouldn't want to, with these cute little morsels to tempt them?

1 comment:

As the snow flies

  I'm sure most of you are well aware, particularly those of you who live in my neck of the woods, but this is Day 5 of Snowmeggedon 202...