Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Day 21: Questions, questions

I picked this big boy up from school this afternoon, and when he stepped out the door of his school, I almost didn't recognize him.  


For one, he was in his war paint.  

Second, he's growing like a weed!  

We went to the grocery after school,  and he was very attentive to the items on the shelves.  

Always curious and asking questions, that boy.  

He asks "why" a lot. I remember being that way-still am, I guess.  

According to Gretchen Rueben's book profiling personality types, I'm a questioner. 

Ha! Who knew?

And apparently Clay is too.  

He's gone home with his momma now, and my thoughts have turned to which cookies I want to bake for the holidays this year.

Why?  I have no idea why I'm wondering that already, when I haven't bought the first gift, card, or hung the first bough-or bow.

But I'm thinking I want to make gumdrop cookies this year.

Why?  Because I ate some once, years ago, and I've been craving them ever since.

Why?  Because they were sweet and chewy.  Gumdrops by themselves, I can do without. Gumdrops in a cookie, however, taste pretty exotic.

So, I've been agooglin' to see what kind of gumdrop recipes there are out there, and I came across one featuring coconut, oatmeal, and gumdrops.

Now how could a gal go wrong with a recipe like that?

Maybe I'll report back later on how they taste. I'll bet Oaklee would help me test them.

Why?  Because she loves sweets even more than I do.

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