Thursday, November 16, 2017

Day 16: Be a person of value

I like quotes that make me think.  I came across this one in my journal, while I was obviously still in my pajamas.  

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." Albert Einstein

The quote is attributed to Albert Einstein, but I think a lot of stuff is attributed to Einstein that he didn't say.  I have no idea if he said this or not, but it gave me pause. 

What's the difference in being a success and being of value?
Winning is usually considered being successful, but does winning make us valuable?  
To a professional sports team, yes, if money is the objective. 

But winning just for the sake of coming in first place? What does that get us?  Envy? (if we aren't the winner)  
Or arrogance (if we are)? 
Would we be more valuable if we helped someone win?  Or if we helped someone compete in the first place?  

Valuable.  Worth something, not necessarily money though.

"He ain't worth two cents."  
That usually means "he" is lazy.  Or tired, and only temporarily worthless.

I've said it myself: "I ain't worth two cents today." 
But my self-esteem is higher than that.  I think I'm worth more than that. 
Maybe not too much more, but a little bit more.

If something is of value, it's usually of substance, of good quality, dependable, reliable, etc. 
Real.  Not phony or plastic. Weighty. 

But what's wrong with being successful? I guess it all depends on how you define success. 

Some define it by how much they can acquire, or how often they can come out on top.   

Some define success by how much they can give.  

I met someone like that today.  Interviewed him for the paper.  His name is Santa Claus.  

Seriously!  Pick up next week's paper to read my exclusive interview with Jolly Old Saint Nick.  

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