Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Yes, caring for young kids is hard!

 Our office is closed on Wednesdays, so I can often be found at home with some grandchildren underfoot.  

The youngest three are a handful, but they are more fun than a barrel full of monkeys! 

Time with the grandkids wrecks my house and my to-do list gets shelved, but when they all go home, my heart literally feels warmer, fuller, lighter.  

I'm left smiling while at the same time shaking my head at the amount of energy they require.  

During one season of my life, I was a mom with young kids to care for all day, but I sometimes forget how hard it was.  

Even deadline days at the paper are easier than wrangling three or four kids and a dog or two, lol! 

Back in the day I used to beat myself up, because I felt like I wasn't getting much accomplished.  

My house wasn't as clean and tidy as I thought maybe it should be; I wasn't as clean and tidy as I thought I should be, yada-yada-yada, blah, blah, blah. 


Dummy me.   I wish I had cut that young mom some slack.  

She didn't do it all perfectly, but she gave it her whole heart.  Her kids' basic needs were met and then some, and they seemed pretty happy and well adjusted.  

They grew up to be fine, loving mothers, so she must have done a few things right. 

With that being said, it's about Nan's bedtime.  Good night, y'all! 

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