Sunday, November 27, 2022

Another Thanksgiving dinner…

 We enjoyed another big turkey dinner with all the trimmings this afternoon. 

As usual, the kids keep things interesting. 

Ivy was obsessed with the kittens and trying to catch them, but they were elusive, always slipping away when she got near. 

And Finn got introduced to the mooing cookie jar. 

Granny G has had that thing since my kids were little, I think. 

Whenever she lifts the lid on the cookie jar—the lid being its head—it bellows a loud moo, which tends to startle the little ones.  Even so, they keep coming back for more. 


Finn’s eyes were big as quarters. 
Granny G. has always enjoyed seeing the kids reaction to the cookie jar. She giggles like a kid herself. 
It’s funny the random things you associate with certain people. 
The things they’ll go down in family history for. 
The things we will forever have fond memories of. 
Like mooing cookie jars. 
Or chalk horses. 
When we were kids, my aunt Myrl had a scary looking chalk horse on a kitchen cabinet. 
We would eye that thing warily as we walked past it to get a drink of water from the water bucket on her enamel farmhouse sink. 
(The water was drawn from a well behind the house and always seemed to taste so good.)
It looked to me like the horse was eyeing us back as we sneaked by it. It had big black circles painted around its eyes! 
Makes me wonder what quirky and random thing my grandkids will associate with me after they grow up? 

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