Sunday, November 13, 2022

Barn art brings back memories

The cold weather discouraged me from lingering outside today for long, so I snapped this photo through my car window. 

This barn quilt has found a new home. 

My sister and I painted it years ago for our aunt, who was just captivated when she saw my barn quilt, also painted by Sis and myself. So we decided to paint one for Aunt and surprise her with it on her 90th birthday, I believe it was. 

After my aunt passed, her farm was sold. The new owners removed the barn quilt to paint the barn  and graciously allowed us to take the quilt and keep it in the family. 

My brother hung it on his tobacco barn this weekend, and I think it looks right at home. 

Every time  I see it, I will think of Aunt Ruth and how impressed she was that a quilt could be painted and hung on a barn. 

Being a talented seamstress, she recognized the work and detail that went into beautiful handmade quilts, whether they be painted on or sewn. 

I like to think that the sight of the barn quilt out her window lifted her spirits a little during her last years.

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