Monday, November 2, 2020

Present in the Moment

                                                                I spy, with my squinty eye... 

On Sunday, after a chilly start to the morning- and bacon and eggs- we wondered rather aimlessly what to do next. 

Our neighbor came down to work on cutting up the trees, so we jumped in to help. Besides splitting and loading firewood, there was plenty of bark and debris to remove from the yard. 

I took a break and sat down on the porch, sheltered a bit from that raucous wind, and noticed how the trees on the hill beside the house were swaying in the breeze. Clothed in gold, they appeared to be dancing. 

The sunlight felt so good on my legs, stretched out and propped on the porch post. 

What a moment to just be. Be alive, be present, be grateful to experience. 

I need to do this more often, I said to Self. 

Somehow, that sense of contentment comes most often after working up a good sweat. 

Maybe it’s the endorphins. Maybe it’s the release of tension. 

Whatever, it was a good reminder to be present in the moment. To bask in it like ol’ Honey (our dog) has done in the sun much of the afternoon. 

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