Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Post-election day stress release

A beautiful day, but a messy looking garden.  

Before,.....then after.  Ta-da!  I feel accomplished! 

What a beautiful day to be home. The sun was bright and warm, and my frostbitten bean plants begged to be pulled up and thrown away. 

So I pulled up the cane poles that we used to make these little green bean tee-pees. I yanked and tugged until I had them all out of the ground, then I stacked the ones worth saving for next year’s garden and piled the rest on the burn pile. 

What a great way to loosen some of that post Election Day tension from my shoulders, right? 

After I had everything cleared, I mowed over the patch with the lawnmower, and now it looks nice and tidy. 

I can already visualize another crop growing there next spring. 

Same, after I pulled up our massive okra plants. Some of the rich black soil came loose, and the look and smell of it had me ready to plant something new. 

Even thought the weather was just perfect, I knew better. 

Gardeners are eternal optimists, but not that optimistic! 

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