Saturday, November 21, 2020

Day 21: Thankful for my parents


Don’t know how my parents would feel about being the subject of a social media post, but I sure am thankful for them. 

They’ve worked so hard and sacrificed a lot for their family, and they are about as decent a folk as you could find anywhere. Yes, I am biased, but I am telling you the God’s honest truth. 

They were sharing stories with our girls today about how they took off in Dad’s 1940 Buick to Jellico, Tenn. to get married, and went to the Grand Old Opry while on their honeymoon. 

I always remembered Mom telling about them eating liver and onions the night they got married. 

Must have fortified them pretty good; I was born less than ten months later. 

Dad had been in the service for a couple of years, and Mom said Dad was different when he came back. For one thing, he’d picked up a bit of a German accent. 

After he got back, they got tired of courting, Mom said, and decided to get married. 

Their first winter together, it got 24 below zero. They were living in a small apartment in Richmond. 

A few months later, they moved to a little house on Sand Hill, and I was born while they lived there. 

Then they moved to the family farm on Station Camp, where they had four more young’uns, and they’ve lived there ever since.

My parents are growing older, and it’s interesting to hear them talk about their younger days. I’ll bet they never imagined then what a big family they would have and how entertained their granddaughters would be by their story!

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