Just look how cold it was the last time! But winter has passed, although I sometimes doubted it ever would, and spring is now in full swing.
The hills are alive with birdsong and they are lush with new green.

Our "baby girl" just graduated from college, and she will be starting a big girl job in a couple of weeks.
(I messed up on the pic at right, because my camera case got in the way, but I kind of like the way it framed Chelsea's pretty profile.
I have no idea who that feller in the background is.)

One of Chelsea's best buds, also her first cousin and my niece, just graduated with a nursing degree.
She's so happy to be outta there!
And her mama is obviously very proud.
The bar is set high for these two.
There are other exciting developments in our lives.

We're going to be grandparents again!
This time, it's a girl. A girl!
What a blessing they are, these girls who grow up too fast.
The little guys are pretty special too.
Yes, they are.