Thursday, November 17, 2016

So God made a farmer

I was privileged tonight to attend our local Kiwanis Club's Farm/City Banquet.
The two farmers and the one business recognized have all played a vital role in our community for decades.
I know one of the farmers better than the others, because he's my country neighbor.
He passes by our place two or three times a day as he goes to check on his own cattle, and, as he goes to check on his, he keeps an eye out for ours.
A few weeks ago while we were at work, a couple of cows and calves that we had just bought jumped over a gate and high-tailed it down the road.
Charlie saw the cows on the road and wasted no time to call around to let us know. Not only that, but he helped round the cows up in his barn lot, then offered the use of his truck and trailer which were right there handy to haul them home.
Just this past weekend a couple of our calves suddenly got sick. Several of the neighbor farmers flocked in to help, or at least lend their sympathies when they died.
That's the kind of neighborhood in which we live.
Our fine farmer friends literally look out for each other.  They are always eager to jump in and help, and it truly is a heartwarming thing to live in such a good hearted community. 
I am proud to have been in the audience tonight to see one of my good neighbors recognized, and it will be my pleasure to "write him up" for the paper. 

Some of these are the guilty runaway cows, but this is not my neighbor . This is my hubby, also a pretty helpful guy. 

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