Thursday, August 9, 2012

The beans are finally coming in

Whew!  It’s been another busy day.  I re-photographed a bee-keeper friend today that I interviewed for the newspaper a couple of weeks ago. For some reason the photos I took that day simply vanished off the memory card. 

However, this trip I got to see him actually rob the bees, which was fun—but I’ll write more on that later. 

By the time I got home it was already hot, and I still had beans that needed to be picked.  The first row I tackled was planted in bunch beans, the kind that grow close to the ground, and they aren’t much fun to pick when it’s hot.

I also picked another large bucket full of tomatoes and canned more juice while I cooked supper. 

After we ate, Robin and I picked goose beans until dark. Goose beans are great big beans, much easier to pick and string than the ones I gathered this morning.  They are a good meaty heirloom variety. 

We’ve been promising customers at farmers’ market that beans would be here soon, and they finally are, thanks to some good rains and a little bit cooler temperatures.

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