Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sweet is...short summer showers

This month's Nablopomo's theme is "sweet," so I'm going to see how many ways I can define sweet... the moments, the sights and sounds, maybe even the tastes, but sweet is so much more than a flavor.

While I was brewing my coffee this morning, I noticed dark clouds gathering off to the west. Now where did those come from, I wondered.

I'm almost certain that when I checked the forecast last night there was a 0 percent chance of rain. But I soon heard thunder, then the gentle drum of raindrops on the roof.  For about 10 minutes, maybe less, we got the sweetest little summer shower.

I grabbed a cup of coffee and went out on the porch.  I breathed the sweet smells of damp earth and wet grass and watched narrow streams of water pour off the barn roof like streamers of tinsel.

I pray some of this on the drought-parched sections of the country.  Three weeks ago, we were arid as a desert too, but the weather pattern's changed and everything is lush and green as May again--and a sweet sight it is!

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