My dad owns a piece of property way up in a "holler" where we often gather for birthday dinners and holidays.
Today we celebrated my mom's, son-in-law's and twin nieces' birthdays, all born either today or tomorrow, with a big potluck dinner.
Hannah and Eric brought our big boy Clay out for his first outdoor picnic. He handled it very well and seemed to enjoy all the new sights and sounds even though it was pretty hot.
What a special, special day it was to have Clay with us!
I think his momma thought so too. :)
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Contemplating some of life's greatest mysteries
The little ones have arrived! I checked beneath the expectant mother this
morning, and at least a half-dozen baby tomatoes have hatched.
Both Mom and babies appear to be doing well. The father,
alas, was nowhere to be seen.
Aren’t they adorable?
However, the one I posted on facebook yesterday…
….was real.
Or did the bird grow wary of the growing green orb and
decide to abandon her nest before even bothering to lay eggs? Poor bird. She must have been so confused.
Ahhh, the mysteries of life.
Some things we’ll just never know, will we? ;) Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Second cutting
Few things smell sweeter than freshly mown hay drying in the
I love hay-cutting seasons, which kind of remind me
of canning for cattle, except the preservation doesn’t go into jars but into gigantic
rolls of dried grasses.
There’s satisfaction in providing for the needs of critters
as well as our families, and in knowing they’ll be well fed when the snow flies.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Sweet summer, departing
Summer isn’t officially over, but I guess it may as well
be. Chelsea stuffed her little Escape
with clothes and dorm furnishings until it was bulging at the seams, and now she’s
off to college for another semester.
I can’t think of a thing I’d rather she be doing, but I’m
sure going to miss having her around the house. Before she left, she swung by
Hannah’s—where I was baby-sitting Clay while his momma ran some errands—just to
say “see ya, later.” I snapped this cute
pic of Clay and Aunt C-sea.
It’s pleasant, almost cool, here on the porch this evening—great
hay-drying weather. I think August and
September made some kind of deal and switched places. We may pay up next month,
but the break from heat and humidity is nice for now.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
An evening stroll through the countryside
These nice fall-like evenings are great for evening strolls past mown meadows, corn fields and the only tobacco patch on Station Camp Creek that I know of.
I like this picture of Clay getting pushed in the stroller
by his daddy with Pappy walking alongside.
Clay is one fortunate little fellow to have such a tender, patient and
loving dad, and he’s doubly fortunate to have an ol’ grandpappy who’s the
They are so cute they way the hover over him and dote on him.
Two old women couldn’t do it any better.
I can just imagine the fun these guys are going to have as Clay
progresses from stroller to little red wagon to big wheel to tricycle to pony
to bicycle to 4-wheeler to pick-up…
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Ready for a new project
With the garden winding down and the end of the tomatoes and
green beans in sight, my mind is roving for a new fall project to take on.
Several rooms of the house could use a fresh coat of paint
or some redecorating or rejuvenating of some sort.
I picked up the latest issue of Country Living magazine
today and scanned a few pages, which was just enough to stir some creative
urges--some that don’t involve food.
Few things inspire me like parking myself in the front porch
swing with a glass of sweet tea in one hand and a magazine in the other. Pinterest is great, but there’s something
about turning real pages that gets me motivated.
I see ways of
displaying flea market finds and wonder “now why didn’t I think of that?” I see new paint colors and want to try them
I make lists of new projects I want to start—and finish—by the
time our family reunion rolls around in early October, then I get side-tracked and
have to do something mundane like pick beans or wash dishes.
Oh, well. Dreaming is the fun part of any new project,
and I’m pretty good at that.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Bean talk
Sometimes it seems like I spend half my time talking about
beans. We sell beans at the farmers’
market, so I find myself explaining several times per market day the
differences in goose beans, tobacco worm beans, greasy beans, etc.
Some of my customers know the differences in beans very well. Most of those who do are “getting’ on up in years” and have raised and eaten a variety of beans over a lifetime.
looks like this
after two or three days of intermittent sunshine and a few hours in the oven. We call them shuckbeans.
Anyone know why?
Some of my customers know the differences in beans very well. Most of those who do are “getting’ on up in years” and have raised and eaten a variety of beans over a lifetime.
They teach me things about pole beans, ram horns and
rattlesnake beans that I didn’t know, and I grew up listening to family and
neighbors debate the merits of all kinds of beans.
Today I had a customer who drove all the way from Jackson
County to get some goose beans. She’s
got a family member undergoing chemo who is requesting them, the only thing that
sounds good to him right now. Apparently
the fellow used to grow them himself, but hasn’t been well enough to in recent
What is it with us hillbillies and our beans? Why do we love
them so? Will I be requesting them when the grim reaper comes calling, or will
I be begging for chocolate cake?
It’s hard to
Sometimes I get tired of picking beans, growing beans,
stringing beans, EATING beans and discussing beans, but I know if I couldn’t do
it, I’d probably miss it.
Many of the older folks who come to market speak longingly
of the days when they were able to raise a big garden.
If there’s one thing you learn about gardening, it’s that there’s
a season for everything, and seasons don’t last long.
This....looks like this
after two or three days of intermittent sunshine and a few hours in the oven. We call them shuckbeans.
Anyone know why?
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Sweet relief
The past couple of cool evenings have been such a relief
from the humidity of the past month, but it’s still hot in my kitchen. I’ve made biscuits, dill pickles and pesto
today, and I’ve got shuckbeans drying in the oven.
Good Saturday night all!
The photo? Just because I think it's purdy.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Robbing bees is a sweet experience
I mentioned Buddy the Beekeeper in last night’s blog. When I visited him yesterday to get
photographs for the paper, he showed me how he “robs” his honeybee hives.
He lights a small fire in a can with a spout containing some
cotton, then he waves the smoke over the bees after he pulls the lid off the
top of their hive. The smoke is supposed
to calm the bees, but they swarm quite a bit, and Buddy gets stung right
away. I take a few steps backward,
careful to move slowly and not attract their attention.
Buddy checks each of his six hives and doesn’t find a lot of
extra honey until he gets to the last hive.
He pulls out a frame filled with a honey-laden honeycomb.
He asks me to step closer and hand him a brush to sweep the
bees from the honeycomb. I do, not
without some trepidation, and a couple of bees buzz around my head. He places the frame in a dishpan to catch any
drips of sticky goodness that might escape the comb and hands it to me.
I back away with a bee buzzing in my hair, but it doesn’t
A few feet down the path Buddy has mown around his hives, I
swipe my finger across the comb where it’s oozed a few drops of clear golden
honey and taste it, all danger forgotten.
So sweet and good it is—maybe worth getting stung for,
anyway. I’m a happy girl when Buddy says I can take
the honey home that “we” harvested. I see hot homemade biscuits in my near
I leave Buddy the Beekeeper’s house with a new admiration for
the bees that work so tirelessly to turn flower nectar into both honey and comb.
I feel a little ashamed for robbing the bees, but know that Buddy
won’t take honey from the lower brood boxes; he’s always careful to leave enough
to sustain the bees through the winter.
I leave with a new respect for Buddy too, who’s been “foolin’
with bees” ever since he was a kid. The food
chain is utterly dependent on these industrious little critters who pollinate the
plants that produce much of what we eat--and the people who
still keep the bees.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
The beans are finally coming in
Whew! It’s been another
busy day. I re-photographed a bee-keeper
friend today that I interviewed for the newspaper a couple of weeks ago. For
some reason the photos I took that day simply vanished off the memory card.
However, this trip I got to see him actually rob the bees,
which was fun—but I’ll write more on that later.
By the time I got home it was already hot, and I still had
beans that needed to be picked. The
first row I tackled was planted in bunch beans, the kind that grow close to the
ground, and they aren’t much fun to pick when it’s hot.
I also picked another large bucket full of tomatoes and
canned more juice while I cooked supper.
After we ate, Robin and I picked goose beans until dark. Goose
beans are great big beans, much easier to pick and string than the ones I
gathered this morning. They are a good meaty
heirloom variety.
We’ve been promising customers at farmers’ market that beans
would be here soon, and they finally are, thanks to some good rains and a little
bit cooler temperatures.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Tidbits of the day
Tidbits of the day
After slaving over a hot stove half the day yesterday, the
girls and I treated ourselves to a day of shopping in the big city today.
Chelsea had birthday money burning a hole in her pocket, and
Hannah needed a day of retail therapy.
Kayla, my niece, joined us, too, as she usually does for our annual
shop-and-dine-for-Chelsea’s-birthday event.
It’s funny, without planning to, all four of us ended up in
the baby section of the stores at the same time. This happened twice. Just proves little Clay-bug is never far from
our thoughts!
But we had fun, and I actually bought myself a couple of new
things to wear, which doesn’t happen often.
I know, you can tell.
Anyway, the store I wish could bring to Irvine—and wish I could
afford to do ALL my grocery shopping from—is the Good Foods Co-op and Café on
Southland Drive.
I like that the store is pretty small and that it smells like
grocery stores used to—more like real food, I guess.
To top off the day—Misty May and Kerri Walsh won the gold
medal in women’s beach volleyball for the third straight Olympics! We saw it happen all three times, and I got a
little emotional to think the old gals don’t plan to be back in 2016.
Maybe they’ll change their mind before then—they definitely
looked tough!
Too pooped to post
I missed last night’s blog entry—was just too pooped to post.
After a busy day, I transported a bushel and a half of
tomatoes to Hannah’s where we pureed and juiced those beauties into nine pints
of spaghetti sauce, seven quarts of homemade “V-8” juice, (three of them
spicy), and seven quarts of plain tomato juice.
Believe me when I say we made a huge mess, but the end result
was worth it, I think.
Chelsea and I stayed to help give Clay a bath, which was
just icing on the cake of a real sweet day.
He handles his bath like a champ, just like his momma
handles his bath like a champ. Bath time with Clay is a bit complicated with
his trach and g-tube.
He looked and smelled so sweet afterward, and was so
bright-eyed and playful—well, this ol’ nana didn’t get home until 11:00 o’clock.
By the time I unloaded the car, I was too pooped to
post. Now you know.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Clay's first visit to Nana and Pappy's house
This is what it looked like on our 9-month old grandson Clay’s
first visit to Nana and Pappy’s house!
He came to help us celebrate a special Aunt C’s birthday.
What a sweet
Sunday, August 5, 2012
These are the moments
Twenty years ago today I gave birth to the second of our sweet daughters.
In the first few hours of her life, Chelsea revealed to us several clues about her personality. She was quiet, observant, even contemplative, as she absorbed the bright new world she'd been born into.
She spent a good amount of her first hours looking her momma over good—like she couldn’t quite figure me out.
She still does that sometimes.
I couldn't imagine, back on the day when she was born, how close we'd be, what good friends we'd become.
This birthday, the one that marks the end of her teenage
years, has been a bit bittersweet for me.
It’s a joyous occasion, of course, because I’m so proud of the young
woman Chelsea is.On the other hand, I could just bawl because the past two decades have passed too swiftly. Children ought not to grow up so fast. Parents shouldn’t age so quickly. Time could slow down just a little bit, couldn’t it?
Despite my wishful thinking, I know it won’t. That’s why these are the moments we treasure—and
the ones I’m so very thankful for.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Summer in a jar
I always think of homemade tomato juice as the essence of
summer distilled in a jar: sweet, hot and thick as August humidity.
This year though, my girls and I are preserving special memories
while we can up our garden produce.
Sweet memories of working and laughing together, doing
something I’ve always loved, which they are now acquiring an appreciation for.
We note the good smell of tomato steam rising from the stove. We comment on the beauty of bell peppers and
ripe juicy tomatoes as we peel and dice.
We converse with the little guy watching us from the living
room, where he lies in the floor on his “kick and play” mat.
The fact that he’s in his parents’ living room instead of
the NICU where he spent the first eight months of his life is sweet beyond
He “talks” to us around his trach, delightful sounds that
keep us smiling while we work. We pause
every few seconds to “talk” back, and make faces at him.
One or the other of us is back and forth every few minutes to
change a diaper, suction his trach or just play a while.
It takes us all afternoon to fill a few jars, but I can’t
think of a better way to spend my time.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Sometimes I come across birds' nests that have fallen to the ground after a storm. I always pick them up and stick them in a pot of flowers or, in this case, on a wreath.
During the course of the summer, I've found a feather from a blue jay, the shell of an egg that has hatched, and a shiny earring. I put them together for this little vignette.
Isn't it sweet?
During the course of the summer, I've found a feather from a blue jay, the shell of an egg that has hatched, and a shiny earring. I put them together for this little vignette.
Isn't it sweet?
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Sweet is...short summer showers
This month's Nablopomo's theme is "sweet," so I'm going to see how many ways I can define sweet... the moments, the sights and sounds, maybe even the tastes, but sweet is so much more than a flavor.
While I was brewing my coffee this morning, I noticed dark clouds gathering off to the west. Now where did those come from, I wondered.
I'm almost certain that when I checked the forecast last night there was a 0 percent chance of rain. But I soon heard thunder, then the gentle drum of raindrops on the roof. For about 10 minutes, maybe less, we got the sweetest little summer shower.
I grabbed a cup of coffee and went out on the porch. I breathed the sweet smells of damp earth and wet grass and watched narrow streams of water pour off the barn roof like streamers of tinsel.
I pray some of this on the drought-parched sections of the country. Three weeks ago, we were arid as a desert too, but the weather pattern's changed and everything is lush and green as May again--and a sweet sight it is!
While I was brewing my coffee this morning, I noticed dark clouds gathering off to the west. Now where did those come from, I wondered.
I'm almost certain that when I checked the forecast last night there was a 0 percent chance of rain. But I soon heard thunder, then the gentle drum of raindrops on the roof. For about 10 minutes, maybe less, we got the sweetest little summer shower.
I grabbed a cup of coffee and went out on the porch. I breathed the sweet smells of damp earth and wet grass and watched narrow streams of water pour off the barn roof like streamers of tinsel.
I pray some of this on the drought-parched sections of the country. Three weeks ago, we were arid as a desert too, but the weather pattern's changed and everything is lush and green as May again--and a sweet sight it is!
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