Saturday, October 3, 2015

The gathering season...or not?
For the past five years or so, the weather has been a little on the cool side on  family reunion weekend.
A time or two it's been downright cold.
A time or two, we moved it to an indoor location.
But it's just not the same. People like coming to the old  homeplace.
I like having them here. I just don't have room inside to set up all that food and provide a place for everyone to sit.
It's chilly right now, just hours before everyone is to arrive, but all four local weather channels are promising the rain is ending and it will be 70 degrees.
I sure hope they are right.
Because it has been so cool the past few years, the husband and I have been talking  about  changing the date - to mid June.
Is it ever cold in June? It rains sometimes, but it's always warm, isn't it?
June typically isn't very humid either. Everything is green and lush, and the purple martins are nesting...great free entertainment to boot.
But there is something about this, the gathering  season, that feels like the right time of year to have a family  reunion.
We'll be hunkering down for the winter soon.
We'll need warm memories of bright days and old ham to sustain  us, won't  we?
And besides. There's the last of the garden pickins to be gathered and shared with the family.
I prepped a bucket of banana peppers I  picked this morning to fill with cream cheese and wrap in bacon.
I always do that.
Dad picked late green beans and fresh  greens from his garden, and I'm sure  he and Mom have been busy getting those ready.
I dunno if I'm willing to part with the smells and tastes of fall that seem such a natural part of the gathering  season.
Besides, would our reunion be our reunion without bouquets of goldenrod and iron weed on the tables?
Would bouquets of daisies work?
We shall see, I  s'pose.

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