Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Evoking "home"

I'm probably nuts, but I'm gonna give it another shot.  I either attempted or completed the National Blog Posting Month challenge the past two years, and I have the itch to try it again.

Never mind that I've already spent approximately 50 hours staring at a computer screen this week.  Never mind that my mind is numb after production day is done at the paper on Tuesdays.

One of the daily prompts said to post a picture that evokes home for you.

That's pretty easy.  It would have to be food--or the hills.  Maybe I'll do one of both, hills and food.

Homegrown home-prepared food definitely evokes home.
And if that doesn't do it, then the sight of these hills in front of the house will.

Note the sugar snap peas growing in the foreground. Maybe, just maybe, they will yield before they freeze.


  1. You sound JUST like me! I was like AM I insane taking this up? Bah. This year WILL be different (that's what I tell myself anyways!)

    I love your post. The sugar snap peas are gorgeous! I hope they yield a nice bounty vs freezing too soon!

    Good luck with NaBloPoMo!



As the snow flies

  I'm sure most of you are well aware, particularly those of you who live in my neck of the woods, but this is Day 5 of Snowmeggedon 202...