Tuesday, January 3, 2012

This New Year tradition comes in the mailbox

One of my favorite traditions of the New Year is receiving seed catalogs in the mail. This is not a tradition I purposefully create, but one that I look forward to anyway. 

The catalogs usually start to arrive on the first or second day of January—we got one today, as a matter of fact, late because of the holiday, I’ll bet.  

Does anyone else have those days when the cold is just…aggravating?  When you’d just like to be done with it already? Today was one of those for me. 

However, when I came home and opened the mailbox…ahhh,…I could feel the thaw begin as my hungry eyes took in bright pictures of blueberries, strawberries, shiny apples and bunches of flowers. 

That’s just what I needed to get me through a few more days of winter. 

Only four more months to go...                           


  1. When we lived north of Chicago, I'd get that way at the beginning of February. It's the feeling that it will never be warm and pretty ever again. What a wonderful surprise waiting for you in your mailbox! A taste of Spring, just when you needed it. Glad I found you on BlogHer today. :)

  2. I concur. I still have lettuce and green onions and spinach growing sporadically through the freezing weather and snow. But I can't WAIT until the real growing season gets here. So... me and you BOTH! ~ Red Dirt Kelly

  3. Yay, some kindred spirits!! :)


As the snow flies

  I'm sure most of you are well aware, particularly those of you who live in my neck of the woods, but this is Day 5 of Snowmeggedon 202...